Most of everything are the function of the mind and the brain. By right and by today's benchmark,we should be getting less physical than before. If the call is physical monitoring then we are out of place with the modern technology and modern living. How nice if the Exam Hall is well equipped with CCTV that can monitor all the candidates that sits for an exam or a test. Less work then for the invigilators.Why not? Being all physical is unthinkable in whatever scenario we are in. With CCTV then there shall be no complain of copying. Is that the solution to the problems faced by human beings today? By the way, is there such a thing as perfect exam or perfect life, or a perfect partner, or a perfect satisfaction for that matter? Despite CCTVs, people still getting killed and robbed. Therefore above all inventions and modern technology is the all-time righteousness of thoughts, actions, and decisions. I can still recall my days at the University of Wisconsin where the format of learning is being made flexible. Class sessions and exam is a matter of one's inclination and one's potentials. There are classes which are being made as private studies or independent study and exam is all take home, or exam is all open book. Are we getting there? Perfection is only with Allah. Sesungguhnya kepada Allah kita memohon pertolongan dan keampunan. Allahuakbar.
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