Saturday, 14 January 2012

World and Words...

I never knew students should be together or competing among themselves in pursuing good grades. If they do, then they are only competing with the mediocre. IPTA or universities are meant for one to explore oneself and for that matter it is an inner exploration and inner discovery of one self. Feel strange and funny when I was told getting good grades is a competition among themselves. Real competition is only in business and the economy. Even that competition does not mean a head-on collision. It is well based on the right marketing thought, thinking, linking, binding and bonding, and philosophy. I make the best in the marketing of my products and so are you with your products despite catering a similar need. Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola. Pepsi is Pepsi.

Studying is truly an adventure of a different kind. In other words  it is only you and you in the competition. As for the Americans students, I could still recall at the University of Wisconsin, they have to laboriously drag their feet getting through a thick snow in a  record coldest winter ever in getting to a 7.30 morning class. Most of them make it just in time. In other words they are very patient and punctual. It is a race with no one. Nobody else is in the race. There is no question of unfairness and injustice in that race. It is very much a part of a broader learning process in getting to a higher level of one's consciousness in whatever knowledge you are pursuing. It never ends. Every bit of the world  and the galaxies are at your disposal to make a discovery. Every title of books found in the library are at your disposal to have it read page to page. It is either you or nobody else. While I am writing this, suara azan subuh kedengaran dengan jelas dari mesjid yang berdekatan.  Ada yang masih tidur dan terus tidur tanpa mempedulikan ajakan Allah supaya bangun dan segera menyempurnakan solat subuh. Allahuakbar.

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